Medical radiation dosimetry higher doctoral degree thesis


I am a graduate of the University of Wollongong for both my undergraduate and postgraduate degrees, BSc(Hons) (1992) and PhD (1998). Also since 1996 until present I have held the position of honorary fellow, honorary senior fellow and honorary principal fellow through the Department of Engineering Physics (Previously Dept of Physics). As my first degree ofBSc (Hons) was finalised in 1992, I satisfy the requirements of rule 12:39 a i) and ii) (General Course Rules Handbook - Admission requirements for Higher Doctoral Degrees) for application to the degree of Doctor of Science as a university graduate who is with standing of not less than eight years admission to a first degree at the University of Wollongong In relation to the requirement set out in 12:40, the academic unit associated most closely with my academic and research activities is the Department of Engineering Physics and more pointedly, the Centre for Medical Radiation Physics. The Centre for Medical Physics was inaugurated in 2005 under the direction of Prof Anatoly Rosenfeld. Medical radiation physics has been a subspecialty of the University ofWollongong\u27s Physics Department since the mid 1980\u27s when Dr Jagdish Mathur, introduced collaborative links with ANSTO (Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation) and in 1990 with the newly formed ICCC (Illawarra Cancer Care Centre). The list of publications required of 12:40 is given in part 2 together with the estimated percentage contribution of the authors. In relation to 12:40 d) v), 12 of my early publications which are marked with an asterixis (*) were submitted and referenced as part of my original PhD in Medical Physics, completed at the University of Wollongong. Copies of publications submitted for consideration are presented in part 4 as required by 12:40. An overview that demonstrated that the collective works provide an original and significant contribution to knowledge: 12:40 is given in part 3. These publications have been divided into 3 broad streams of research and endeavour. Similarly, evidence that the publications have standing as significant and sustained contributions to knowledge 12:40 is presented throughout sections 3.2, 3.3 and 3.4 and in the form of summaries in subsections 3.2.1, 3.3.1 and 3.4.1. This is given together with a final summary (section 3.5) of the publications impact, journal citation indexes, citations and h-index

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