
Low-Cost Explosive Ordnance Destruct Tool / 23rd International Symposium on Ballistics


23rd International Symposium on Ballistics, Tarragona, Spain, 16-20 April 2007The feasibility and engineering design of a conceptual "non-explosive" explosive shaped charge tool that can be adapted for purposes of mitigating and neutralizing explosive ordnance during military and homeland security operations is reported. Nitromethane, a low-cost commercial solvent, is used as the energetic material. This inexpensive liquid is ideally suited for the application because of its relative insensitivity and ease of loading. The conceptual device is packaged in a shaped plastic container with a hollow-cavity that is sufficiently flexible to permit a wide range of liners of equal included volume which can be added just prior to deployment, along with automated injection of a sensitizer. The range of performance of a 25mm device against Composition B and TNT is reported. There are also reported effects on key design parameters such as sensitizer concentration, charge diameter, initiation front geometry, run-up distance, charge confinement, liner configuration, and charge performance. Observed variations in detonation velocity during initial stages of run-up and the use of the Lee-Tarver model in correlating jet impact initiation are also reported.The work reported herein was partially supported by the Office of Naval Research under the direction of Dr. Brian Armquist, and by graduate educational funding from Naval Postgraduate School. The authors thank Dr. Ernie Baker of the US Army Research, Engineering and Development Command and Dr. Brendon Grove, Schlumberger Oil Perforating Center, for their generous contribution of the liners tested in this program

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