
Team 4: Exploring Sharing Behaviors


from Scythe : Proceedings and Bulletin of the International Data Farming Community, Issue 2 Workshop 14The U.S. DoD (OASD/NII) Command and Control Research Program (CCRP) has sponsored the design and development of a software environment for conducting human-in-the-loop experiments focused on information- and social-domain phenomena. This experiment has come to be know as the ELICIT Experiment (Experimental Laboratory for Investigating Collaboration, Information-sharing, & Trust). Over the course of several Project Albert International Workshops, EBR has strived to create and improve a simulation version of the experiment. Utilizing the NetLogo agent-based modeling environment, we have built upon prior work, augmenting the model to more explicitly represent cognitive and collaborative processes. During this week, Ms. Danielle Martin, Tony Costa, Karina Malvaez-Buenrostro, and Fidencio Vargas-Davila, have worked to study how sharing behaviors such as posting, direct sharing, hoarding, and processing affect an organization’s performance in solving a simple cognitive task

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