
An analysis of the return on investment of Navy Enterprise Resource Planning as implemented Navy-wide FY04-FY15


MBA Professional ReportSince 2003, the United States Navy has invested hundreds of millions of dollars into the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Program. ERP evolved from four pilot programs into a single solution. Furthermore, the Navy has invested approximately 2 billion dollars for ERP implementation and developed several programs to streamline the financial reporting practices. This thesis project analyzes the evolution and development of ERP, identifies the Navy's projections for ERP, and calculates the cost and benefits of executing ERP between FY04 and FY15. We compare the return on investment (ROI) on Navy ERP to the ROI from ERP implementation in the private sector. Our objective is to understand the ROI for the Navy ERP compared to the ROI for the private sector. Navy (USN) author

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