
Wasco County natural hazard mitigation plan


224 pp. Some OCR and bookmarks supplied by UO. Maps, charts, tables, figures, illus., appendices. Published August 2006. Captured December 13, 2007.Wasco County's goals include: Education & Outreach; Disaster Resilient Economy; Protection of Life & Property; Intergenerational Equity; Acknowledge Responsibility; Facilitate Partnerships & Coordination; Natural Resource Systems Protection; Emergency Services Enhancement. [From the Plan]"This Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan was developed through a regional partnership funded by the Federal Emergency Management Agency's Pre-Disaster Mitigation Grant Program. The Mid-Columbia Gorge Region grant was awarded to support the development of natural hazard mitigation plans for the region. The region utilized a seven-step planning process, plan framework, and plan development support provided by the Oregon Natural Hazards Workgroup at the University of Oregon.

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