Regularized 13 moment equations for hard sphere molecules: Linear bulk equations


The regularized 13 moment equations of rarefied gas dynamics are derived for a monatomic hard sphere gas in the linear regime. The equations are based on an extended Grad-type moment system, which is systematically reduced by means of the Order of Magnitude Method [H. Struchtrup, "Stable transport equations for rarefied gases at high orders in the Knudsen number," Phys. Fluids 16(11), 3921-3934 (2004)]. Chapman-Enskog expansion of the final equations yields the linear Burnett and superBurnett equations. While the Burnett coefficients agree with literature values, this seems to be the first time that super-Burnett coefficients are computed for a hard sphere gas. As a first test of the equations the dispersion and damping of sound waves is considered. C 2013 AIP Publishing LLC. [http://d

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