An in-depth look at prior art in fast round-robin arbiter circuits


Arbiters are found where shared resources exist such as busses, switching fabrics, processing elements. Round-robin is a fair arbitration method, where requestors get near-equal shares of a common resource or service. Round-robin arbitration (RRA) finds use in network switches/routers and processor boards/systems as well as many other applications that have concurrency. Today's electronic systems require arbiters with hundreds of ports (e.g., switching fabrics with virtual I/O queues) and clock speeds near the limits of even the latest microelectronics fabrication processes/libraries. Achieving high clock speeds in the presence of large number of ports is only possible with highly parallel arbiter architectures. This paper presents an in-depth literature survey of previous work on this problem. It looks at RRA work in the literature in a bigger context, then defines the typical RRA problem (RRA_typical), and specifically investigates work on fast architectures that solve the RRA_typical problem. There are five such works that are really competitive. This report takes a very in-depth look at these works. It explains each architecture and how/why it works from a unique perspective that cannot be found in the original publication of that architecture. It also proposes improvements to these architectures. We wrote generators for the improved versions of these architectures. We will share a summary of synthesis results in this report – although a detailed account of how these results were obtained and their analysis is the subject of another (upcoming) publicatio

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