Systementwicklungen und Messungen zur Auslese und Kalibration von CMS pipeline chips für die angewandte Forschung und Serientests an CMS-Streifendetektoren


The future 14 TeV proton-proton accelerator LHC at CERN serves for the CMS experiment as a high rate source of deep inelastic interactions of quarks and gluons. CMS at the LHC will be one of the "discovery machines" for new particles and theories. The central tracker in the superconducting 4 T-magnet of CMS has to ensure a precise track reconstruction in the space-time. Part I leads to the major tasks of the central tracker for the purpose of preparing the main points of the thesis. In CMS one has to cope with particle fluences of about 10^6cm^-2s^-1 and L1 trigger rates of 100 kHz. System developments have lead to a powerful data acquisition system (DAQ) constructed in VME for emulation of the hardware algorithms in the frontend driver and for research of the properties of CMS microstrip detectors. The experience and the results point to special problems for the operation of the CMS tracker. For most of them solutions will be found which can be emulated in the DAQ or simulated with offline data. If possible perspectives are given for the other cases. This is subject of part II. CMS strip detectors are counted among the silicon microstrip detectors and the in the run up inferior micro strip gas chambers (MSGC). In part III laboratory measurements with prototypes of these detectors will be demonstrated which confirm the benefit of the gained experience in part II. A final comparison of the silicon strip detector and the MSGC eluminates the points of acceptability and deconvolution for the APV pipeline chips. For this a partial publication in the CMS Document Server at CERN has been performed. Unirradiated silicon microstrip detectors have been found to be sophisticated. MSGC-detectors show the expected signal development in time and the anticipated ballistic deficit. The impact of crosstalk effects on the pile-up behaviour has been confirmed. As a result further hints arize for succeeding processes in technology

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