
Corrections to "Geometric Properties of Gradient Projection Anti-windup Compensated Systems"


In a conference paper titled "Geometric Properties of Gradient Projection Anti-windup Compensated Systems," two main results were presented. The first is the controller state-output consistency property of gradient projection anti-windup (GPAW) compensated controllers. The second is a geometric bounding condition relating the vector fields of the uncompensated and GPAW compensated closed-loop systems with respect to a star domain. While the controller state-output consistency property stands without modifications, the proof of the geometric bounding condition depends on two lemmas, the proofs of which were found to be faulty. In this report, we present a new proof of the geometric bounding condition using concepts from convex analysis, together with minor miscellaneous corrections.DSO National Laboratories, Singapore, AFOSR grant FA9550-08-1-008

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