
Investigation of power efficiency of lighting devices for outdoor lighting with different light sources


Проведено оцінювання світлотехнічних та енергетичних параметрів світлових приладів (СП) ЖКУ-, РКУ-, ЛКУ11У та ЖКУ-, РКУ Helios 21, що широко використовуються в установках зовнішнього освітлення. В дослідженнях використовувалися джерела світла (ДС), які найпоширеніші в зовнішньому освітленні – лампи розжарювання (ЛР), компактні люмінесцентні лампи КЛЛ, дугові ртутні лампи (ДРЛ) та натрієві лампи високого тиску (ДНаТ). Встановлено, що при використанні світлового приладу ЖКУ-, РКУ Helios 21 із лампою КЛЛ знижується значення коефіцієнта корисної дії СП на 14..17%. У світильнику ЖКУ-, РКУ-, ЛКУ11У найвищий коефіцієнт корисної дії СП із ДРЛ, практично рівні значення із лампою ДНаТ і КЛЛ, найнижчий – із лампою розжарювання.To increase the power efficiency of outdoor lighting devices which are designed for classrooms of distant dwellings and rural areas, replacement of incandesce lamps (IL) and arch mercurial lamps (AML) by compact fluorescent lamps (CFL) is proposed. In its turn after substitution of the incandescent light bulbs, which are the point light sources, for the CFL with the voluminous luminous body of different shape the light distribution characteristic changes. In general this parameter specifies the lighting system efficiency. Thus, for example, 30% of the electricity consumption of the LS with the properly chosen the luminous intensity curve (CLI) are saved. While choosing the light devices of (LD) type it is necessary to take into account the energy conversion efficiency (ECE) as well as CLI and its stability during the operation. Therefore its value depends on the luminous body geometric parameters of the installed light sources. The results of lighting and energy parameters of light devices ZhKU-, RKU-, LKU11U and ZhKU -, RKU Helios 21, that are widely used in outdoor lighting devices with the lamps that are most common in outdoor lighting – IL, CLL, AML and High-Pressure Sodium (HPS) - are presented. The measurement of light distribution of lighting devices ZhKU-, RKU Helios 21 and ZhKU-, RKU-, LKU11U with different types of light sources was taken. It is proved that the efficiency of light devices decreases by 14..17 % while using the light device ZhKU-, RKU Helios 21 with the lamp CLL. In the luminaire lamp ZhKU-, RKU-, LKU11U the efficiency of light devices with AML is the highest with HPS and CLL it is practically similar, with incandesce lamps it is the lowest. From the data above we can conclude that power efficiency of lighting device depends on the shaping and geometric size of light sources. When designing the light devices it is possible to gain 80% efficiency that will increase the power efficiency of lighting devices. The expenses for electric power for every of investigated light sources have been calculated. The lowest operational expenses due to built-in electronic ballasts into the socket of the lamp is the advantage of CLL over the other lamps

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