Vi vill och vi kan – därför gör vi : Hur en arbetsgrupp och deras chef har hanterat och hanterar förändringsmotstånd


Abstract Thesis: We do because we want and we are able to -about a group and their manager and how they together have worked with, and today working with, resist to change. Programme: SO2030E:3, Linnaeus University Level: Bachelor Thesis Year/semester: Spring 2015 Authors: Pia Steinbach Mastenstrand and Rebecca Welander Supervisor: Magnus Persson Keywords: Change management, leadership, mechanism of inertia, power, quality improvement Background: The work with quality improvement within the geriatric care is a constant work in progress where implementation of new guidelines and routines is an essential part. This study highlights a workgroup that has over the last four years progressed from mainly not following new guidelines and routines to be successful in 2014 at the audit performed by The Health and Social Care Inspectorate where no deviations concerning quality were found. The purpose with this paper is to understand how the studied working group and their manager together have managed the resistance to change and the mechanics of inertia. Theory: Ahrne and Papakostas (2002) theory about the mechanism of inertia has been used to highlight the obstacles that are present in an organization during change management. Ahrne and Hedströms (1999) theory of distribution of power has been used to understand the managers power of position and how this can be used to manage change in a working group. Durkheim’s (2004) theory of structures describes the influence on the wellbeing of the employee. Method: A qualitative case study has been performed on a working group and their manager at a geriatric care home by interviews and observations, totally seven interviews and two meeting observations. Result: For a group that is functioning in a god way a lot of what the previous science provides about for example participation is important to work with to achieve quality improvement. But when a group is working in a dysfunction way and the context more or less is chaos, the manager first have to work with the structure. This to be able to make the group grow first before the members can participate in daily work and quality improvement. Thanks: Many thanks to the studied group and their manager for your time and thoughts about their work. Many thanks also to Magnus Persson that has guided us within the sociological way of thinking. Thanks for your time and your wise input

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