
Dog Owners’ Liability: Statutory Effects


The Triboindenter present many advantages for the measurement of friction and wear at the nanoscale. A reciprocating multi-cycle linear test can be programmed, from where it is possible to obtain simultaneously the friction force and wear rate from the lateral force and vertical displacement sensors, respectively. The friction values have high precision but the wear data is usually wrong in long duration tests because the drift rate is only measured just before the test start. Alternatively, one can program the SPM scanning mode of the instrument with a high load in order to produce the wear of the surface. At the end of the experiment, a squared hole is produced which can be measured using the SPM facility of the system. However, this wear experiment does not allow the simultaneous measurement of the friction coefficient.In this talk I will present a new methodology to measure in-situ the friction and wear of thin films using a Triboindenter TI-950 from Hysitron. I will show how the possible changes of drift rate during long-time tests can be overcome, obtaining simultaneous precise values of friction and wear rate as a function of time. I will discuss how the Triboimage® software can be adapted to this methodology in order to get realistic values of friction and wear. Finally I will show some results for soft (H < 1GPa) Pb films and very hard (H ~ 35 GPa) nitride coating

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