Utilizing Available Maintenance Data, Experience and Skills to Enhance the Performance of Rotating Equipment Cost-Effectively - A Case Study


Nowadays, by increasing competitions in business, decision-making in maintenance management gets higher priorities. While maintenance in many industries is known as a necessary evil, making cost-effective decisions constructed based on analytical and quantitative assessments improve maintenance position from a cost center into a profit generating one. Within the scope of rotating equipment maintenance, it is vital to consider both economic and technical variables integrated to survive in the competitive market. Taking the role of improving rotating equipment performance within a cost-effective approach into account, this project proposes a consistent model followed by substantial results. The model application can be briefed in improvement of decision-making processes from technical and economic perspectives to direct them into the company profitability aligned with the company goals. Further, it proposes technical and economic indicators and improves utilization of maintenance resources including personnel skills and experience to enhance maintenance performance and develop cost-effective scenarios. Within the model, eMDSS (software) is used as an intelligent facilitator/tool which improves accurate decision-making and identifying and prioritizing maintenance problems. To ensure from the model and its tool applicability, it is applied on a real case study and reliability of the achieved results are tested and approved in detail. In result, the project is successful in evaluating previous technical and economic decisions and selecting the most cost-effective scenario for future with a saving value exceeding 133K€ and profit of 114K€ for the case equipment

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