Universal Tool Building Platform and its application in developing activity diagram editor


Darbā tiek apskatīta LU Matemātikas un informātikas institūtā izstrādātās rīku būves platformas GrTP uzbūve un darbības principi. Tiek piedāvāta pieeja kā, izmantojot šo platformu, būvēt grafiskos redaktorus. Pieejas efektivitāte ir pārbaudīta, izstrādājot aktivitāšu diagrammu redaktoru.The goal of this paper is to explain architecture and principles of operation of tool building platform GrTP, that is being developed at Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science University of Latvia. In this paper author presents an approach for developing graphical editors using the platform. Productiveness of pruposed idea is tested by developing activity diagram editor

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