Phenomenological studies of dimensional deconstruction


In this thesis, two applications of dimensional deconstruction are studied. The first application is a model for neutrino oscillations in the presence of a large decon- structed extra dimension. In the second application, Kaluza{Klein dark matter from a latticized universal extra dimension is studied. The goal of these projects have been twofold. First, to see whether it is possible to reproduce the relevant features of the higher-dimensional continuum theory, and second, to examine the effect of the latticization in experiments. In addition, an introduction to the the- ory of dimensional deconstruction as well as to the theory of continuous extra dimensions is given. Furthermore, the various higher-dimensional models, such as Arkani-Hamed{Dvali{Dimopolous (ADD) models and models with universal extra dimensions, that have been intensively studied in recent years, are discussed.QC 2010120

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