GPS-performance in Technology Education


In my research I am interested in identifying, and describing the process that now takes place, around evaluations, follow ups and assessment in educational practice from a teacher´s perspective. I am a PhD student but also a practicing teacher and I find this very intriguing since according to the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child article 28, each and every child is entitled to education. In Sweden, each school can decide on how, when, and by whom, the pupil will get tutored in a subject. However, every pupil is expected and entitled to reach, at the very minimum, the level of knowledge stipulated in the goals to attain in grade 5 and grade 9, in the national curriculum. Several reports have highlighted the alarming situation of neglect of the follow-up of the pupils’ knowledge development as well as the school´s neglect of technology education. This raises many questions about underlying factors. This paper provides a description of the process of assessment in technology education with the focus on teachers’ views on their possibilities for follow-ups and assessments.TUF

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