Frequency of nasal helicobacter pylori carriage among cooks


Karabay, Oguz/0000-0003-0502-432XWOS: 000317872600007PubMed: 23757982Objective: To investigate the frequency of nasal helicobacter pylori carriage among cooks living in Bolu, Ardahan and Sakarya province of Turkey. Methods: A total of 54 cooks (10 from Bolu, 29 from Ardahan and 15 from Sakarya) were enrolled. Nasal helicobacter was tested using polymerase chain reaction. Results: Helicobacter pylori was detected in only one cook. Conclusion: Nasal Helicobacter pylori colonisation ratio in cooks in Turkey was found to be very low. Presumably hand hygiene compliance lowered the frequency

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