
Research design for institutional analysis of HUD's solar heating and cooling demonstration program


This paper is one of a series prepared under the sponsorship of DOE's Photovoltaic (PV) Program as part of the institutional analysis of housing. After an introduction describing the theory and methods of institutional analysis, the paper is organized into three sections. ABSTRACT, the first section, presents the research design used for institutional analysis of HUD's Solar Heating and Cooling Demonstration Program. It contains an hypothesized institutional arena, which describes the institutional entities in the housing arena by function and activity and then arrays them according to intensity of interaction across function. The second section of the paper describes the HUD program and describes how it serves as the perturbation prompter for institutional analysis. The third section of the paper presents the specific research design used in the study. From the first three cycles of the HUD program, 11 projects were chosen for on-site case study. A special open-ended semi-structured survey instrument was used to collect information from a set of informants identified for each project. The results of this data collection effort are reported in subsequent reports in this project

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