
Institutional analysis of the acceptance of photovoltaics in daytime radio broadcasting


Photovoltaics Project.This paper, one of a series resulting from institutional analysis of photovoltaic (PV) acceptance, is undertaken in relation to a field test of PV applicability for use by a small-scale daytime AM radio station. Hypotheses in five areas of institutional comprehension of PV as an innovation are pro- posed. The five areas are: (1) decision structure of the station; (2) technical knowledge of the decision-maker; (3) prior information about solar energy of the decision-maker; (4) image potential of the field test to the station; and (5) financial contribution of the station. In the course of data collection, a sixth area -- the PON-RFP process -- was identified. Thirty-one radio stations which met the requirements for potential test site were studied to determine the institutional factors influencing their disposition to accept PV. The findings reveal a considerable capability on the part of small, daytime radio stations to deal with technologically based information about solar energy, coupled with a strong commitment to the encouragement of its broader use. Many revealed a considerable familiarity with solar energy applications, but did not view its use in their setting as primarily contributing to their station's image. Stations had limited financial resources for participation in the project, but more importantly, were confused about the project's de- mands on these resources, because of their unfamiliarity with the PON-RFP process. This last finding is an interesting example of how money may be misused as a proxy variable, and how this misuse can be a major barrier to facilitating innovation acceptance

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