
Institutional analysis of the National Park Service : |b a preliminary exploration


This paper is one of a series resulting from the institutional analysis of photovoltaic (PV) acceptance. It reports the results of an initial exploration of the federal non-defense arena. This exploration was undertaken in connection with a PV field test at the Natural Bridges National Monument in Utah. This field test is a collaborative venture of the Department of Energy (DOE) and the National Park Service (NPS). As the procuring agency, NPS is the focus for the paper, serving as an example of institutional action in the federal non-defense arena. Like others in this arena, NPS is involved in the legislative process, as well as program implementati;on. The primary mission of the National Park Service is to make federally-owned land available to the public in a manner which enhances the use and enjoyment ;.of natural and historic resource. NPS has nearly 300 operating units. It is organized by regions, and has two service centers (the larger of which is in Denver) which provide a variety of technical and support services to the operating units. The most important operating units are national parks, monuments and historic sites. Procurements contributing to program activities are guided by federal and agency regulation. One regulation limits procurements to proven technologies, which constitutes a formal barrier to innovation acceptance.Prepared under Dept. of Energy contract no. EX-76-A-01-2295, Task order no.37

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