Trabajo presentado en el 17th International Nitrogen Workshop, celebrado en Wexford (Irlanda) del 27 al 29 de junio de 2012.Bread wheat quality is a highly complex feature which is mainly determined by the amount of grain
protein and the qualitative composition of that protein. Nitrogen fertilization is the agronomic
practice that most widely affects the quality, since the accumulation of reserve protein is influenced
not only by the amount of N fertilizer, but also by the type and timing of N source applied.
Nitrogen fertilization improves grain quality due to a rise in grain protein content (Fuertes-
Mendizábal et al., 2011). However, the N source or splitting N application has a more variable
effect on grain quality. The main objective of this study was to assess the effect of applying
exclusively ammonium as the N source split into two or three applications during the crop lifecycle
on the composition of the reserve protein fraction responsible for bread dough strength.Projects Etortek K-Egokitzen, RTA2009-00028-C03-03 and IT526-10.Peer Reviewe