
Els verins de les meduses i altres animals marins perillosos


18 pages, 12 figures, 1 table.The poisons of jellyfish and oTher dangerous marine animals. – This article reviews the dangers related to marine animal envenomations. Though the scope of the paper is mainly confined to the Mediterranean Sea, it also discusses animals of other areas often visited during the tourist season. Venomous marine animals exhibit diverse mechanisms of injury and toxicity. Information regarding the morphology, behaviour, and health hazards of these dangerous organisms, both invertebrates and vertebrates, is presented with the aim of helping medical personnel recognize, diagnose, and treat marine envenomations. The main focus is on jellyfish, but other stinging invertebrate animals, including coelenterates (hydroids, corals, and sea anemones), sponges, fireworms, echinoderms (sea urchins, starfish and sea cucumbers), and molluscs (cone shells and octopi), as well as a variety of fishes including stingrays, catfish, scorpionfish, etc., are also addressed. For each group, various first aid recommendations are also provided.Peer reviewe

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