
Relevance of new and regenerated nitrogen sources in the water column of magdalena bay (SW baja California Peninsula), Mexico


6 páginas, 3 figurasSix bimonthly surveys during 2007 were carried out in Magdalena Bay (Mexico) during spring tide conditions. Spatiotemporal variations of temperature, salinity, nitrite, nitrate, ammonium, phosphate and chlorophyll-a were analyzed in the Bay. During spring-early summer (April-June) seawaters were colder and richer in new nutrients and chlorophyll-a than autumn and winter (February and October-December). The coastal upwelling during spring-early summer contributes with new nutrients to the Bay, whereas bottom-recycled nutrients should be the main input during the autumn-winter period. Thus, nutrients availability, dissolved inorganic nitrogen and phosphate, promote a seasonal pattern of phytoplankton biomass in Magdalena Bay.El presente trabajo se realizó con el apoyo del Instituto Politécnico Nacional a través del proyecto SIP-20070265Peer reviewe

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