8 páginasThis Newsletter aims to highlight developments of Airmontech project. Ambient Air Quality (AQ) is still a major issue of concern in Europe, particularly in urbanised environments where most of the European population lives. Measurements are therefore important for Member States to demonstrate compliance with air quality limits set by the respective EU directives, in some
cases to demonstrate the reduction of pollutant levels, and to assess the effect of mitigation measures.
The AQ monitoring networks operated by the member states are challenged with continuously increasing
quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) demands on the one hand and on-going innovations
and novel monitoring technologies on the other. Moreover, toxicological and epidemiological studies
reveal that additional pollutants or characteristics of known pollutants may also be of importance for
public health and thus should be included into a comprehensive AQ monitoring strategy.
The EU project AirMonTech, funded by DG Research, was specifi cally initiated to tackle and to give advice to the above tasks. Airmontech Consortium includes the following researchers: J. Moeltgen (UDE), U. Quass (IUTA), K. Torseth (NILU), K. Katsouyanni
(NKUA), B. Vogel (UDE), R. Otjes (ECN), E. Weijers (ECN), P. Woods (NPL), T. Kuhlbusch (IUTA, Coordinator),
P. Quincey (NPL), M. Viana (CSIC), R. Gehrig (EMPA), X. Querol(CSIC,) A. Borowiak (JRC), C. Hueglin (EMPA).AirMontech (Air Pollution Monitoring Technology for Urban Areas) Newsletter is funded under the 7th Framework Programme of the European CommissionPeer reviewe