
Study of fracturing in the southern sector of Sierra Almijara (province of Málaga)


4 páginas, 3 figuras.-- Trabajo presentado en la 37ª Sesión Científica, Almería, 2004.By means of a photointerpretation study, the main fault sets have been determined in the Sierra Almijara, in the Betic Cordillera. The more frequent directions are N20-40E, N50-70E, N90-100E, N120-140E and N140-160E. They are consistent with some of the main stress fields occurred in the Betic Cordillera. The paleostresses responsible of fracturing have been inferred from regional and field data. Many of the movements of these faults occurred since de late Tortonian, during a very important uplifting of the Betic Range, up to the Quaternary.Este trabajo es una contribución al proyecto «Estudio regional del karst de Almijara», financiado por la Fundación Cueva de Nerja, así como al Grupo de Investigación 308 de la Junta de Andalucía.Peer reviewe

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