Comunicación presentada en el XIV International Symposium on Earth Tides (ETS2000), celebrado en Mizusawa, Japón, entre el 28 de agosto y el 1 de septiembre de 2000. Las actas del congreso han sido publicadas como special issue del Journal of the Geodetic Society of Japan.Analyses of tiltmeter data frorn the Geodynarnics Observatory of Lanzarote (Canary Islands,
Spain) are evaluated in order to investigate ground deforrnations. The tiltrneters are operating in two
locations of the Island, with different sensitivity ranges depending on the site conditions. The results
of tidal analysis show a clear influence of the ocean loading and also rneteorological disturbances. Air
pressure and temperature effects are different depending on type, location and orientation of the
tiltrneter, with different rnagnitude of the effect in the high and low frequency bands.Peer reviewe