新丰中子核素 ̄(185)Hf的研究I.合成、分离和鉴别


用(n,2p)反应和快化分离法首次合成和鉴别了新丰中子同位素 ̄(185)Hf。其半衰期为3.5±0.6min。另外,还观察到一条能量为164.5±0.5keV、半衰期为4.3±0.9min的属于 ̄(185)Hf衰变的γ射线。An unreported Hafnium isotope ̄185Hf has been identified for first time.Sources of ̄185Hfprepared by 14 MeV neutron irradiation of tungsten followed by radiochemical separation have been studied. The new activity is identified by following the time variation of the γ-rays. The half-life of ̄185Hf has been determined to be 3.5±0.6min. In addition,a new 164.5±0.5keV γ-ray is found and assigned to ̄185Hf based on the rneasurements of transition enertgy and half-life.中国科学院八五重大项目资

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