

由一台1600MeV的强流质子加速器来辅助驱动一座熔盐核反应堆,从而组建一座新型的核电站.这座电站中裂变核燃料“燃烧”完全,没有长寿命的重锕系与裂片的核废料输出;并可以直接用天然存在的大量钍和贫铀元素作为核燃料来使用.核电站将20%电能供给加速器运转,80%电能并入电网.同时电站还可输出十分稀有的稳定同位素和短寿命医用同位素,作为副产品供应市场.这一干净的核能源就是加速器驱动式核反应堆.简称驱动堆;它没有核废料,比自持式核反应堆安全.A new type of nuclear power station can be built by a moltensalt reactor auxiliary driven by a strong neutron source produced by a intensive proton beam with the energy of 1600 MeV from a powerful accelerator. In the power station the nuclear fuels are completely burnt without some long-lived radioactive wastes both of heaVy actinide and fission products. Furthermore the thorium and sub-critical uranium which are massive existence in nature can be used as an available nuclear fuel in the nuclear power stat

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