

通过β延迟质子发射鉴定出了在~(40)Ca(~(28)Si,3n)反应中产生的一个具有T_z=-3/2,A=4n+1的核素~(65)Se。观察到其单质子能量为3.70±0.08MeV,实验测定的半衰期为9.6_(-4.1)~(+5.3)ms,它相应于由~(65)Se基态到~(65)As中最低的T=3/2相似态的超允许β跃迁和随后由此态到~(64)Ge基态的质子发射。基于这些结果并结合库仑位移能计算,得到~(65)Se的质量剩余为-33.26±0.25MeV。65Se, a nuclide with Tz=-3/2, A = 4n+1 produced in 40Ca (28Si, 3n) reaction was identified via its B-delayed proton emission. A single proton group at 3. 70 + 0. 08 MeV was observed and its half-life was experimentally determined to be 9. 6+5.3/4.1 ms which was corresponding to superallowed B transition from ground state of 65Se to the isospin analog state, the lowest T= 3/2 state, in 65As and the subsequent proton emission to the ground state of 64Ge. Based on these results combining with coulomb displacem...国家自然科学基

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