Nukleáris medicina az onkoterápiában [Nuclear medicine in oncotherapy]


After a brief historical overview, the basic concept of therapy with radionuclides is summarised. This is followed by a review of the physical and biological features of the different radiopharmaceuticals that are available. A clinical application of the different techniques commences with the treatment of differentiated thyroid cancer using radio-iodine. From the various bone-seeking radiopharmceuticals, we opted for the alpha-emitting 223-RaCl2 for treatment purposes. Due to the increasing prevalence of neuroendocrine tumors nowadays, somatostatin receptor and adrenerg analog radiotherapy are discussed. Next, one of the most promising new techniques is presented along with some radioimmunological applications. Lastly, the importance of multidisciplinary cooperation is analysed from the viewpoint of successful individual oncotherapy and safe radionuclide treatment for the benefit of patients

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