
The Stress Management as a entrepreneurial strategy for increasing of the competitive advantage of the companies


We all live in time of unpredictable and quick changes. The effective and efficient management with the changes also modifies the working facilities of the companies, management and employees. The traditional way of working is replaced by the modern and variable working conditions. The aim of this work is to show the importance of introducing the stress management strategies inside and outside the working environment, recognizing the reasons of the stress and stress protection for the employees inside and outside of the companies, as one of the risk factor that influences the working productivity and the efficiency. The building tools for the competitive advantage of the companies are as follows: the understanding and recognizing of the stress condition and individual characteristics helping to control the stress as well as the ability of self-esteeming for the stress level. The conclusions of this book emphasize the fact that the employees are development force of the company and the strategy for the stress management is to increase the competition advantage of the companies

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