
Evaluation of the knowledge of the personnel included in control of the intrahospital infections as an indicator for training and education


Objective: The aim of the paper is making an evaluation of the knowledge of the personnel included in controlling the air and inanimate nature in the hospitals in Republic of Macedonia. Materials and methods: In the paper are analyzed data obtained by testing 38 doctors (microbiologists, epidemiologists and clinical doctors) and 46 nurses included in control teams for intrahospital infections from different cities in the country. The questions in the test were about methods of the microbiologic screening on the hygienic safety of the air and the disinfection and hygiene of hands. Results: On each question individually, the right answers were between 92% and 100% for the doctors and between 78% and 90% for the nurses. Taking in consideration all of the questions there is no significant difference between the results of the doctors and the nurses ( p > 0,05 ). Conclusion: Doctors and nurses included in control teams for intrahospital infections in the hospitals in Republic of Macedonia are well educated for the control of the air and the inanimate nature

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