
Phompsis Capsici and Colletotrichum Coccoides Infecting Pepper in Macedonia


Phomopsis capsici and Colletotrichum coccodes were found on pepper fruits during a joint expedition carried out in Macedonia. The lesions caused by P. capsici often occurred together and resembled slightly those incited by C. coccodes. Phomopsis lesions could be differentiated on the basis of pliable leathery condition of the affected tissue and of pycnidium presence while C.coccodes produced lesions with regular round shape and abundant acervuli, setae and microsclerotia in colonized fruit tissue. On some fruits P. capsici caused single infection but mixed infections of Phomopsis and Colletotrichum were observed, as well, C. coccodes is a soil-borne pathogen that produces long-lasting structures (microsclerotia) in the plant debris. The development of this pathogen on pepper might contribute to the building up of inoculum in the soil which could serve as reservoir for other Solanaceae. To our knowledge, this is the first report of P. capsici and C. coccodes on pepper in Macedonia

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