
Il recupero dei vuoti: creare nuovi scenari urbani


A detailed urban road study cannot prescind from the theme of recovery of its role as heart of urban life. This premise implies a sub version of the common trend to consider the road as a non- place designed for the mere car transit. This presumed car hegemony is the main cause of degradation in urban areas . The increase in vehicular flow and there lated harmful phenomena ( accidents , harmful emissions , noise , landconsumption) cause the disappereance of “ relational spaces ” , therefore a n et decrease i n volume and content of activities of which the road is the scenario. On the contrary, the road has to be a scenari of or a wide range of high social context and calibre events ; these presuppose that the road is also a stage for awide range of voluntary and social activities . These activities pretend highst an dards of t h er m al , acoustic and visual comfort areas wi t h accessibility, safety and aesthet ic value necessary to persuade people to a more fruitful use of the road. It is fundamental , in the recovery of a road systems trip , to provide a holistic approach , and at avoiding the use of standard solutions , taking each area as a unique and distinctive

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