
Evaluation the status of medical library of Shahid Babai faculty of medicine and its dependent Therapeutic Centers in comparison with standards for Iranian Academic libraries


Background: The matching criteria for the standard academic libraries and university libraries in the principles that the library can achieve long-term goals help University research & education and lack of attention to this issue will lead to delays or failure to achieve these goals. Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the status of medical library of Shahid Babaee faculty of medicine and its six dependent hospital libraries of Qazvin University of medical sciences, and its comparison with the Standards of Academic Library. Methods: A descriptive epidemiology method was used in this study. The study population consisted of libraries of Shahid Babaee faculty of medicine and its dependent clinical centers. Standardized questionnaire and a check list were used to collect data. Findings: The findings indicate that, in connection with the human specialist, all 7 managers of official's library have not librarian education degree. 57% of the libraries surveyed (4 libraries) have organizational charts and division of work in the library, and 71.4 % (5 libraries) had written procedures and policies which were provided for their staff and managers. Libraries have not an independent budget for their selves. 71.4% (5 libraries) of the library have a reading hall. In 71.4% a separated space has not been either for library materials technology or for staffs. Conclusion: however some factors are near to standards level, but the staff –student ratio, specialist staff, standard spaces, in these libraries are below the standards level and its need more and properly Attention of managers of Qazvin University of medical sciences to improve and to reach to the standard goals of medical libraries. Keywords: faculty libraries, hospital libraries, standard

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