
Subelliptic harmonic morphisms


We study subelliptic harmonic morphisms i.e. smooth maps ϕ:ΩΩ~\phi: \Omega \to \tilde\Omega among domains ΩRn\Omega \subset \mathbb{R}^n and Ω~RM\tilde\Omega \subset \mathbb{R}^M endowed with Hörmander systems of vector fields XX and YY, that pull back local solutions to HYv=0H_Y v = 0 into local solutions to HXu=0H_X u = 0, where HXH_X and HYH_Y are Hörmander operators. We show that any subelliptic harmonic morphism is an open mapping. Using a subelliptic version of the Fuglede-Ishihara theorem (due to E. Barletta [5]) we show that given a strictly pseudoconvex CR manifold MM and a Riemannian manifold NN for any heat equation morphism Ψ:M×(0,)N×(0,)\Psi: M \times (0, \infty) \to N \times (0, \infty) of the form Ψ(x,t)=(ϕ(x),h(t))\Psi(x,t) = ( \phi (x), h(t)) the map ϕ:MN\phi : M \to N is a subelliptic harmonic morphism

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