
Resisting or reinforcing the neoliberal present? : the LGBT struggle for democratic space in Uganda


The ascendancy of neoliberal ideals and aspirations in Uganda has dramatically changed the citizenship terrain, leading to structural, tactical, and strategic exclusion and dis-empowerment. It has also drastically led to enormous shrinkage and fragility of democratic space. Consequently, different groups of collective identity, including lesbians and gay men, have for the last two or so decades created cohesive movements seemingly in opposition to neoliberalism. The LGBT struggle has over the last decade become more and more visible, often responding to neoliberal effects of exclusion and dis-empowerment in ways that reflect attributes of a critical movement. Of course, while this emerging movement is part of an apparent broader resistance to neoliberalism, it sometimes seems to serve the role of reinforcing neoliberal policies, discourses and practice

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