
Desining materials for teaching programming with Scratch


It is hard to imagine a day without the computer. To cope with such rapid development of technology, it is not enough to only know how to use certain software tools. We strive to make children understand the computer concepts and change the application with creation. In line with this, the curriculum is also changing. In the second trimester of the school year 2014/15 an optional Computer and Information Science subject is introduced. The purpose of the thesis is to assist teachers with the help of teaching materials by using visual programming environment Scratch, in which children start to program. ACM Computing Classification System K.3 Computers and Education K.3.1 Computer Uses in Education K.3.2 Computer and Information Science Education In the first part of the thesis we will present the theoretical basis of cognitive psychologists. Teachers still design lessons in schools based on cognitive psychologist research and we also want to promote students creativity and self-construction of knowledge, based on their research. We will continue with a description of some visual programming tools that promote the understanding of basic computer concepts. We will present the teaching of computer-related content with the new curriculum through a visual programming tool Scratch. This will be followed by the realization of one of the teaching materials for Scratch In the end we will describe the layout of the web portal, where we will publish learning materials and will serve as an aid to teachers who will teach new optional course Computer and Information Science for the first time

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