
Miospores et acritarches de la formation d'Hydrequent (Frasnien superieur à Famennien Inferieur, Boulonnais, France)


The upper part of the Hydrequent Shales, which are inserted between the last dolomite layer and the Ste Godeleine Sandstone, consists of at least 20 m of shaly sediments with thin sandy partings. The 44 samples studied have yielded numerous spore and acritarch species which permit a very detailed palynological zonation to be established, mainly corresponding to the upper Frasnian. The highest samples, 0.5 m below the Ste Godeleine Sandstone, can be correlated with the lower Famennian of the Belgian stratotype. The Frasnian-Famennian boundary thus falls within the Hydrequent Shales between 0.5 and 2.5 m below the Ste Godeleine Sandstone

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