
Redescription des genres Septatrypa KOZLOWSKI, 1929 et Dubaria TERMIER, 1936 (Brachiopoda, Atrypida, Lissatrypidae)


The serial sections carried out on specimens of Septatrypa secreta KOZLOWSKI, 1929 and Dubaria lantenoisi TERMIER, 1936 show that the former of these species has a structure of the type "septalium" in the brachial valve. This "septalium" arises from the presence of an apical thickening which joins the median septum and the posterior and external part of the socket plates. This observation confirms the opinion of the authors who consider these two genera - of which the above species are the type species - to be distinct. The lectotype of Dubaria lantenoisi is designated. Some controversial genera of Septatrypinae are briefly discussed

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