
A review of the deep-water volute genus <i>Calliotectum</i> (Gastropoda: Volutidae)


Calliotectum Dall, 1890, until now a monotypic deep-water volute genus from the Eastern Pacific, is shown to be a senior synonym of Teramachia Kuroda, 1931 from the Western Pacific. Pakaurangia Finlay, 1926 (originally Thiaridae; Miocene of New Zealand) and Butonius Martin. 1933 (originally Fusinidae; Neogene of Indonesia) are new synonyms. Calliotectum has a fossil record in the Neogene of the Pacific region (Okinawa, Indonesia, New Zealand and Ecuador), with a total of 5 species. All fossil records are from deep-water facies. Seven Recent species of Calliotectum are recognised, all from deep water in tropical latitudes. Three species occur in South-East Asia and the Eastern Indian Ocean, at 200-1660 m depth. Of these, C. tibiaeforme is treated as a polytypic species, with C. johnsoni and C. dupreyae considered to be geographical forms. Calliotectum piersonorum sp. nov. and C. egregium sp. nov. are described from the South-West Pacific at 450-1060 m depth. Single species occur each in the East Pacific and in the Caribbean

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