
The major polypeptides of the nuclear pore complex


Nuclear envelopes of maturing oocytes of various amphibia contain an unusually high number of pore complexes in very close packing. Consequently, nuclear envelopes , which can be manually isolated in great purity, provide a remarkable enrichment of nuclear pore complex material, relative to membranous and other interporous structures. When the polypeptides of nuclear envelopes isolated from oocytes of Xenopl/s la evis and Triturus alpestris are examined by gel electrophoresis, visualized either by staining with Coomassie blue or by radiotluorography after in vitro reaction with [3H]dansyl chloride , a characteristic pattern is obtained (10 major and 15 minor bands). This polypeptide pattern is radically different from that of the nuclear contents isolated from the same cell. Extraction of the nuclear envelope with high salt concentrations and moderateIy ac tive detergents such as Triton X- 100 results in the removal of membrane material but leaves most of the non-membranous structure of the pore complexes. The dry weight of the pore complex (about 0.2 femtograms) remains essentially unchanged during such extractions as measured by quantitative electron microscopy . The extracted preparations which are highly enriched in nuclear pore complex material contain only two major polypeptide components with apparent molecular weights of 150000 and 73000. Components of such an electrophoretic mobility are not present as major bands , if at all , in nuclear contents extracted in the same way. lt is concluded that these two polypeptides are the major constituent protein(s) of the oocyte nuclear pore complex and are specific for this structure. When nuclear envelopes are isolated from rat liver and extracted with high salt buffers and Triton X- 100 similar bands are predominant, but two additional major components of molecular weights of 78000 and 66000 are also recognized. When the rat liver nuclear membranes are further subfractionated material enriched in the 66000 molecular weight component can be separated from the membrane material, indicating that this is relatively loosely associated material , probably a part of the nuclear matrix . The results suggest that the nuclear pore complex is not only a characteristic ubiquitous structure but also contains similar, if not identical , skeletal proteins that are remarkably re sistant to drastic changes of ionic strength as weil as to treatments with detergents and thiol reagents

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