Collision processes of hydrocarbon species in hydrogen plasmas 3: The silane family


Cross sections are provided for most important collision processes of the Silicon-Hydrides from the "Silane-family": SiHy_{y} (y = 1 - 4) molecules and their ions SiHy+^{+}_{y}, with (plasma) electrons and protons. The processes include: electron impact ionization and dissociation of SiHy_{y}, dissociative excitation, ionization and recombination of SiHy+^{+}_{y} ions wich electrons, and charge - and atom - exchange in proton collisions with SiHy_{y}. All important channels of dissociative processes are considered. Information is also provided an the energetics (reactants/products energy loss / gain) of each individual reaction channel. Total and partial cross sections are presented in compact analytic forms. The critical assessment of data, derivation of new data and presentation of results follow closely the concepts of the recently published related databases for Carbon-Hydrides, namely for the Methane family [1, 2], and for the Ethane- and the Propane families [3], respectively

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