
Anatomy of an oil spill : long-term effects from the grounding of the barge Florida off West Falmouth, Massachusetts


Author Posting. © Yale University, 1980. This article is posted here by permission of Yale University for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Marine Research 38 (1980): 265-380.To determine carefully the effects on the marine and estuarine benthos of Number 2 fuel oil spilled by the barge FLORIDA off West Falmouth, Massachusetts, we sampled for many months along an onshore-offshore gradient of pollution, and less intensively at unoiled sites. Analyses of hydrocarbons established that pollution was greatest and most persistent in the intertidal and subtidal zones of Wild Harbor River, less severe in degree and duration at stations farthest from shore. A variety of concurrent analyses showed that disturbance of the fauna was most severe and longest lasting at the most heavily oiled sites, and least severe but perceptible at lightly oiled stations. Patterns of disturbance were not related to granulometry of the sediments. Plants, ctustaceans, fish, and birds suffered both high mortality immediately after the spill, and physiological and behavioral abnormalities directly related to high concentrations of the fuel oil. Five years after the spill its effects on the biota were still detectable, and partly degraded #2 fuel oil was still present in the sediments in Wild Harbor River and estuary.Our study was partially supported by the Federal Water Pollution Control Contract 15080, the Environmental Protection Agency Grant No. R80100102 and Massachusetts Division of Water Pollution Control primarily during the initial three years and by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution at specific key periods

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