Youth organisation asks: ‘ Alcohol abusing youth or youth abusing alcohol?’


There is a need and a willingness from all stakeholders to collectively address the complex issues of alcohol abuse amongst young people. This was the key finding from Macra na Feirme’s unique and interesting seminar, ‘Drink, Drama, and Debate’, in Limerick last Saturday, the 22nd March. Following the event, Kieran O’Dowd, Macra na Feirme National President, said, “It is clear that if we really want to change the way that alcohol is consumed and abused in Ireland then we must look at the various factors involved such as availability, price and also why people feel the need to drink to excess on a night out. When it comes to policy formation the alcohol industry should not be involved due to the huge conflict of interest. The key role for them is in the implementation of such policies to promote good public health.”.....

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