
Diclofenac in the Management of E. coli Urinary Tract Infections


E. coli is the main agent of uncomplicated urinarytract infections (UTIs) and accounts for more than 85% ofrecurrent cystitis and at least 35% of recurrent pyelonephritis.Despite the widespread availability of antibiotics, UTIs remainthe most common bacterial infection in the human population.It is currently advised that the clinical administration ofantibiotics against the pathogenic bacteria should beprohibitted due to the emergence of multidrug resistant (MDR)bacterial strains. Therefore, newer and more effectiveantimicrobials are in demand to treat such cases. One hundredand thirty six urine samples were collected from UTI patients.E. coli was isolated from 85 samples, out of which 33% wereresistant to common antibiotics. The isolates were decreasinglyresistant to ampicillin, tobramycin, augmentin, nalidixic acid,cefuroxime, nitrofurantoin, kanamycin, pipemidic acid,chloramphenicol, cefotaxime, cefamendol, ofloxacin,ceftizoxime, norfloxacin and amikacin. The anti-inflammatorydrug diclofenac exhibited significant antibacterial activityagainst common bacterial strains both in vitro and in vivo. Thepresent work was conducted to evaluate the in vitro inhibitoryeffect of this drug on the clinically isolated strains of E. coli inhospitals. All the isolates were sensitive to diclofenac, withMIC values ranging from 5-50 ?g/mL. The MIC90 value of thedrug was 25 ?g/mL. Therefore, it may be suggested thatdiclofenac has the capacity to treat UTI caused by E. coli.7p

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