
The Culture Shock Faced by the Foreign Students at Antasari State Institute for Islamic Studies Banjarmasin


Nor Faizah Hayati, 2016, The Culture Shock Faced by the Foreign Students at Antasari State Institute for Islamic Studies Banjarmasin. Advisor: Nurlaila Kadariyah, S. Ag. M. Pd.\ud Key world: Culture, Culture Shock and Foreign Student\ud This research describes the culture shock faced by the foreign students who study at the Antasari State Institute for Islamic Studies Banjarmasin. the foreign students who are conscientious in this research are 5 students come from Turkey and 1 student come from Tajikistan.\ud The problem of statements in this research include what the culture shock faced by the foreign students in academic aspects (in institutional rules and the lecturer rules) and what the culture shock faced by the foreign students in social aspects.\ud The objectives of this research are the first to find the culture shocks faced by the foreign students in academic aspect (Institutional aspect and the lecturers role) and the second is to find and to know the culture shocks faced by the foreign students in social aspect (the foreign students attitude, Indonesian students attitude, Indonesian students habits).\ud For data collection the writer technique uses interview. To process data in this study is divided into two phases, namely: editing and interpretation. And then, all of the data have analysis is descriptive and qualitative research.\ud The results from this study indicates that the foreign students experience culture shock in academic aspects such as trouble with the registration system of courses, too many courses and campus environment and on their social aspect difficulty in adapting, both in terms of interacting, communicating and habits of local students

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