Zur Kanülenproblematik bei der Applikation von ventrikulären Herz-Kreislauf-Assistsystemen.


The prerequisite for efficient assist-ventricles and impulses in the pulsatile pumping function are sufficiently dimensioned afflux and flowing off connections. In systematic investigations on the hydraulic circulation model the cannulas from an internal parameter of 12 mm with a total length of the connection distance to the inflow and outflow valve, respectively, at the bypass ventricle of 30 cm proved sufficient for performing a volume of output of 5-6 l/min in clinic-relevant filling pressures in a hypodynamic circulatory situation. Connection cannulas for the heart-lung machine used in routine work are not sufficient in periodic filling and ejection processes in the pulsatile pumping function for an effective decompression and effective increase of the cardiac output. In case of an ECG-triggered mode of action of the ventricular assist-system an increase of frequency up to 130/min in after that incomplete filling of the assist-ventricle does not remarkably restrict the effectiveness of the assist-system

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