Bistable twisted nematic liquid crystal display based on dual frequency operation


The invention provides a bistable twisted nematic liquid crystal display, comprising a first substrate having thereon a first conductive layer and a first alignment layer; a second substrate having thereon a second conductive layer and a second alignment layer; a liquid crystal layer in the first and second alignment layers; an alignment layer on each of the substrates, the alignment layer imparting a preferred direction for liquid crystal molecules near the alignment layer, and possessing different azimuthal and polar anchoring energies when used to align a liquid crystal layer: the alignment layers being rubbed in such a way to give a stable twist angle of the liquid crystal of Φ where Φ can be any value in between -45° to +45°; and wherein the d/p radio of the liquid crystal layer is between the values of 0.15+0.5Φ/Ï and 0.35+0.5Φ/Ï

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