Overcoming a Legacy of Mistrust: Towards Reconciliation between the State and the Displaced


At the invitation of the Turkish government, the Representative of the UN Secretary General on Internally Displaced Persons Francis Deng undertook a fact finding mission to Turkey in 2002. Deng summed up his findings and recommendations in a report submitted to the UN Commission on Human Rights. This report, co-published by the Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC) of the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) and the Turkish Economic and Social Studies Foundations (TESEV) provides a comprehensive assessment of the Turkish government's implementation of Deng's recommendations on the basis of empirical data derived from field research conducted in provinces populated with Kurdish displaced. The report concludes that while some progress has been made in the official recognition of the problem of conflict-induced displacement, the adoption of a law to partially compensate the material losses of the displaced, there are significant outstanding issues concerning the right to return, property rights (including the right to restitution or compensation), the social and economic integration of the displaced, and finally the establishment of truth and justice concerning the gross human rights abuses committed by security forces against the Kurdish displaced in the 1990s

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